May is Correct Your Posture Month. It's National Asparagus Month and National Egg Month and American Cheese Month, so you can honor them all by sitting up straight while enjoying a mouthful of quiche.
May is also Mental Health Awareness Month, which is good timing. The trauma of the past year might take decades to overcome. According to a February 2021 report, 40% of Americans had symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorders. The Commonwealth Fund reported last year that Black and Latino Americans were nearly one-third more likely than whites to be experiencing mental health problems, while low-income Americans were nearly twice as likely as the wealthy.
One hundred percent of those of us who love and care for someone with a mental illness are being affected by it as well.
Six years ago, I spent a summer couch-surfing, freaked out and exhausted from the stress of my wife's then-undiagnosed mood disorder . . . Read the rest in the Minneapolis StarTribune